About the Green Team

The Earl Boyles Elementary Garden Project is a community project involving the Earl Boyles SUN school, Ron Russel Middle School, Growing Gardens, and parents. Using one shared community garden space, the garden project provides gardening/cooking/health classes for families, k-2 students, and a green team of 4th & 5th grade students. The Green Team is a team of student leaders dedicated to promoting the garden project and green living in the community. This is their blog.

Throughout the year the Green Team will provide EB students & community with:
Workshops, Mobile Garden Art Installation, Food Tastings in Cafeteria, Participation in Local Competions, Participation in Community Events, Fundraisers, and Fairs

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Leadership Service: Oven mitts for the food pantry

Total service project hours 94.5

Summer Garden Update

Summer session has been a success thanks to the wonderful efforts of our Spring term, the harvest was plentiful and our garden club, green team, and parent garden class was been able to pick from the many flourishing zuccinni plants, strawberry bushes, and lettuce heads.

In other news, we made the news this summer! Green Team members Jennifer and RJ were photographed as they dug for potatoes during one of the G-Team's work-parties. As a class we filled two large sacks full of gorgeous purple potatoes. The Green Team also prepped the garden for fall (weeded, cleaned, planted). To read the complete article click here.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happy Summer!!!

A last hoorah for the Spring term Green Team!!! As a part of their final class the Spring term green team helped create the flyer to promote the Summer session GT class "Cooking with the Green Team." The class got to harvest from of the garden, we hosted a tasting from the garden and other fresh fruits, and made parfaits for the summer flyer.

Parfait recipe: In a recycled food jar add 1 layer of granola, 1 layer of yogurt, 1 layer of fruit, repeat until jar is full.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Garden Club & Green Team

Today we worked with the Garden Club, the garden club at EB is taught by Pesha from Growing Gardens. The club is for k-2nd grade and they work in the garden once a week. We discovered that a lot of our stuff is growing really well. Some vegetables like the radishes are ready to be picked.

writing by Valana/photographs by Kimberly

Garden Party

How do you grow potato plants?
To grow potato plants you dig a hole called a trench. You cut potatoes into pieces and make sure they are sticking up with the roots sticking up.
How long do potatoes take to grow?
Potatoes take 6 weeks or more to grow. They need to be watered every day.
What did you learn when planting potatoes in the garden?
My favorite part was digging the trench. The roots sticking out of the potatoes are called eyes.
Written by Autumn and Zacchaeus / Photographs by Ellamae
As a class we discovered that Zacchaeus is an expert digger. His trench was perfectly straight!!!

Conservation with the Green Team

Promoting with conservation is part of the green team's mission this week we put up some posters to remind everyone that we can do things in school to save energy and water.

Contest Season!

Week 5 & 6 were all about contests, on one hand we got some wonderful news about an award EB won and on the other, the class was preparing to enter a couple of state contests.
We prepared our entries for Oregon's Ag. in the Classroom calendar cover contest.
Thanks to Bonnie's Plants Cabbage Program our school received 100 cabbage plants for our school to participate in their contest. "Bonnie Plants distributes free cabbage plants to third graders across the country to foster an interest in gardening and the environment." These are special cabbages because they grow to be very big and giant. The student that grows the biggest cabbage can win a $1000 scholarship from Bonnie's Plants.
Congrats EB! We won the Lowes toolbox grant which will go towards improving the school's courtyard and installing a learning garden. The project will take place over a year's time, so stay tuned for more.